Shipping Information


Be sure that all of your packages are properly addressed, clearly labeled for the PRO Trade Show per the example below. All packages MUST BE UPS shippable and cannot be larger than can be handled by a single individual.

Address as follows:
Talking Stick Resort
9800 East Talking Stick Way
Scottsdale, AZ 85256

In addition, label all packages as follows:
Attn: On-Site Contact Name (actual Vendor contact person) Event Manager: Rachel Hughes
Hold for PRO Trade Show, September 25-26
(List number of pieces, i.e.: 1 of 6)

If you have packages that do not meet these criteria, you must make prior arrangements with the Talking Stick Resort to arrange for drayage. For materials that do not meet the UPS shipping requirements please contact Rachel Hughes (480.850.8689 or Improperly labeled packages may be misrouted and/or refused.

Trade show materials should be shipped so that they DO NOT arrive at the hotel PRIOR to Thursday, September 19, 2019.


Bring materials to REPACK your display merchandise. You will need things like TAPE and ADDRESS LABELS and BILLS of LADING for your preferred outbound carrier. The Talking Stick will provide outbound shipping at your cost. Your shipment will require completed shipping documents and billing account numbers. Hotel will provide pick up from your booth and hold in shipping dept for pick up by designated shipping vendor.