Trade Show Booth Information

The PRO Trade Show is a TABLE TOP trade show. The following information is intended to help you in your preparation for a successful selling show.

All display tables will be 6’ or 8’ and draped. We ENCOURAGE you to bring your table runners and banners to dress up your space. Fixtures and signage must fit within your booth dimensions.

Be sure that all of your packages are properly addressed, clearly labeled for the PRO Trade Show. Packages that aren’t addressed or labeled properly run the risk of additional charges billed to you by the hotel or even worse being refused.

Also, be sure your shipping department provides you with all of the necessary tracking information in case a package goes astray.

Bring materials to REPACK your display merchandise. You will need things like TAPE and ADDRESS LABELS and BILLS of LADING for your preferred outbound carrier.

The Talking Stick will provide outbound shipping at your cost. Your shipment will require completed shipping documents and billing account numbers. Hotel will provide pick up from your booth and hold in shipping dept for pick up by designated shipping vendor.

Make sure that you are prepared to write orders during the trade show. Use either a pre-printed order form or an electronic file so that you can quickly and easily take an order. Remember, the PRO trade show is an ORDER WRITING show. Come prepared to write business.

All booths may request power to their booth. Please see the enclosed order form which should be submitted to the hotel NO LATER THAN Wednesday, September 11, 2019.

TO SAVE YOURSELF AGGRAVATION, bring your own supply of AC power cords and power strips. This will help you avoid incurring excessive charges from the hotel.

Any display that will obstruct the view of other surrounding booths must be approved in advance. Solid walls used in any freestanding booth must be no wider than 3’. Contact Marcia Landau to review your booth design.

ANY exhibitor must have a FINISHED BACK that in the sole discretion of PRO management IS NOT objectionable and DOES NOT DETRACT from any other booth or the general appearance of the trade show.

All products displayed at the show must be a part of your current PRO offering which has been approved PRIOR to the start of the show.

Trade show set-up hours are STRICTLY ENFORCED. Please be sure to have enough help to complete your setup within the allotted time.